vrijdag 1 januari 2010

Somber, somberder, somberst

Vanaf nu kan het de volgende 6 maanden alleen maar beter worden zeker? We weten nu ook dat 10 cm sneeuw nikske doorlaat.
Het verbruik van de warmtepomp bedroeg voor de maand december 1048 kWh (34 kWh/dag of 6€/dag aan ecopowertarief)

1 opmerking:

Timothy Richmond zei

Sorry about the low production, I hope that it improves, and I'm sure it will.
Did I read that correctly, your geothermal heat pump was using 34 kWhr per day? That seems very high.

Also, I know 10 cm of snow seems like a lot, but it is nothing compared to the snow we have had this December. We had drifts up to our car windows! But then again, we expect that amount of snow, it is more inconvenient for Europe.